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Sold Properties
Sebastian is a true professional. He understands the market and has a eye for excellent properties.
- Jason
Sebastian is extremely knowledgable and is an excellent negotiator!
- Aaron
Sebastian has the ability to manage all of our objections and keep focus on what we really wanted in a home. He found us an off market deal that turned out to be our forever home. Will refer him for the next 100 years!
- Jon
We wanted a fixer upper and Sebastian knows absolutely everything about renovations and construction. He has contractors and tradespeople on speed dial. Will glady refer him!
- K
Sebastian is an incredible broker. I highly recommend him if you want someone who is 100% transparent, and will tell you exactly where you are in the process of trying to rent/buy. He is extremely professional and cares about making a long term business relationship, and not only about securing a quick deal. I wouldn’t have found a perfect 1st rental if it weren’t for him! Highly recommend.
- Michelle
Sebastian is an excellent communicator. He understood our needs.
He took care of all the steps from showing the apartment, to finding a tenant and finalizing all the documents.
- Tom